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Goals for 2019

May 15, 2019

last updated December 29th

In 2018 I had one goal - to spend 180 nights outdoors. This provided a good guide for the direction of my life and influenced a lot of my decisions. I ended 2018 having spent 161 nights outdoors.

For 2019 I have different ambitions, and these goals are meant to help be intentional in which direction I go this year.

  • Exercise 4 days a week for an hour or more
    On track

  • Climb at a 5.12 level
    Made it to the top of a 5.12- route, but currently at a 5.11+ level, started at 5.9.

  • Lead climb one route outdoors

  • Climb a mountain that requires an ice axe
    Completed - Mt. Adams

  • Read 14 books
    14 completed, 2 in progress. See reading.

  • Make $1,000 through something I’ve made
    No progress

  • Attend 4 different meet ups

  • Reply to everyone who reaches out to me within 24 hours
    On top of it

  • Reach out to and meet with 3 people who inspire me

  • Teach four people a skill in person

  • Only drive once per week (in town)
    Was on track most of the year. Last three months have slipped.

  • Buy red meat no more than once every 2 weeks
    On track

  • Don’t eat any meat 3 days each week
    At about 1 day a week

  • Write 6 blog posts
    1 technical blog post written, 5 photo posts

Written by Mike Guida who enjoys prolonged outdoor adventures and building stuff with software. Follow him on Twitter